Friday, March 6, 2009

A New Experience

Hi all. This is my very first blog ever!! I have a lot to learn.


  1. Hi, Tracee,
    I am sure you will learn a lot about blogging and that you will grow to love it. Best wishes.

  2. Hello Tracee

    I agree with you about the Constructivist paradigm of learning. We are constructing blogs at this time, a new adventure for me. This type of adventure learning is incredible. I have too much to learn. But, I hope that it will make me a better explorer of new ideas, new concepts. I hope to become more creative and imaginative. This is a performance based class and I have much to improve. I just started to look at Voice Thread and Slideshare. I loved the concepts. But, I am still a novice in creating in these new genre of Internet communications. I hope to learn construction or production techniques that will make me a better communicator of ideas and concepts in educational technology. I thought you did a great job for your first site.

    I will be checking back in with you soon.

