Title: The Effects of Gaming and Simulations in Education
- Purpose of presentation
- Justify use of gaming and simulations for education
- Define edutainment
- Describe advantages/ disadvantages of edutainment
- Critically compare and contrast educational games and simulations
- List examples
- Still images/ Animation
- Text
- Audio
- Flickr
- Google Image
Presentation Technology (two possibilities):
- Podcast with Garage Band authoring software
- Animoto
References (more to be added):
Aldrich, C. (2009). Clark Aldrich on simulations and serious games. Available at http://clarkaldrich.blogspot.com/search?q=games+and+simulations
Chuang, T., & Chen, W. (2009, April). Effect of Computer-Based Video Games on Children: An Experimental Study. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 12(2), 1-10. Retrieved June 9, 2009, from Education Research Complete database.
Gareau, S., & Guo, R. (2009, January). All Work and No Play Reconsidered: The Use of Games to Promote Motivation and Engagement in Instruction. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning, 3(1), 1-12. Retrieved June 9, 2009, from Education Research Complete database.
Simpson, E., & Clem, F. (2008, March 1). Video Games in the Middle School Classroom. Middle School Journal, 39(4), 4-11. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. EJ788303) Retrieved June 9, 2009, from ERIC database.
Williams, A., Rouse, K., Seals, C., & Gilbert, J. (2009, January). Enhancing Reading Literacy in Elementary Children Using Programming for Scientific Simulations. International Journal on E-Learning, 8(1), 57-69. Retrieved June 9, 2009, from Education Research Complete database.
Have you had any success in pulling together your speaker intro with either of the two programs you mentioned...Garage Band or Animoto? I am curious to see how these "look". Leasa showed her storyboard incorporating Flowgram software, which I think I'm going to explore looking into. Good luck.